Monday, April 5, 2010

Jennifer Panehal Quick Clips

After watching the quick clips, I felt that the ones that I could use towards my final project were to break the project into manageable pieces so that I am not saving everything for last, I learned from the meeting planning clip that we should be prepared for what we are to talk about and have a goal, the interdependence model was also a good model for myself to become a successful leader so I can lead others but also use their ideas to help myself.
The contribution statement clip was also insightful so that we can find our motivation and make our input be meaningful to ourselves and our peers. I really liked how the clips related to each habit from the original book of 7 habits, it helped put a action to each step we take to become a well rounded, highly effective person!
I thought that the clips really did put ideas for myself into perspective so I have a goal for my final project as to what I want it to be and how it can affect others to lead and become better for themselves. I now know that my leadership goals have a purpose and what steps I can take to achieve them.

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