Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jennifer Panehal Module 14

In chapter 15, the title alone made it sound like an amazing chapter! The quote on the top of page 294 was also very inspirational..."Service is the rent we pay for living in this world of ours". That should be true for everyone! Why don't we all give some sort of helping hand in our everyday lives??!! This chapter also really reminded me of the movie and aspect of "paying it forward". When I go to help someone, and it inspires them to help someone else, then that persons goes on to help another, and the chain of events just goes on and on. Can you imagine a world like that? It would be amazing!
I thought it was a solid last chapter and final word for us all as up in coming leaders to know and take in for our future leadership roles! The first paragraph in the conclusion of the chapter really summed up for me exactly what it is I need to do in order to achieve my goals, be a great leader, inspire others, find my voice, and to come to the realization that being a leader is a choice not a position...

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