For assignment #2 I have chose chapter 3, the solution, because in my current job which is at a mega organization, I see (chapter #2) the problem, everyday! And why cant I be the one to start the change and be part of the solution! So I am going to share what I know now from these chapters with my immediate collegues, and I am going to then be learning through teaching, and hopefully they will as well. This also ties into my mission statement I posted last week in that I am going to use what I have learned in life to help change my own life & surroudings for the better, and I think this weeks assignment is my start to that!
Also in the chapter it says to find your voice and to then teach others to find theirs. I think within my own workplace, I can make that happen. I am going to start being a leader in my job by using my voice and using my passion to get there, I am going to help others be leaders as well, so that we are part of the solution in making our work be a better place, instead of being treated like "things". I hope I am able to make an impact over the next month by using Covey's steps.
Hi Jennifer, I am in a similar situation. Look forward to hearing more about how things go as you implement some of these ideas.