Sunday, April 25, 2010

my peers final project

I read Tracie Akiona's final paper first, and I was really inspired by her passion and dedication to the project she put together. She was under a lot of stress, almost gave up, but still chose to lead her students and not take the easy way out. She showed true leadership by putting the whole project together, thinking of others needs, apologizing for past mistakes, and showing an example to others throughout the whole event. I really admired her passion for what her service learning project was all about, and how she managed her stress and negativity, put it aside for the greater good. I hope that because of this course we can all now be great leaders in whatever projects we lead, and we can be strong like Tracie demonstrated, even when it gets hard. I liked her project the best because it truly showed the good and the bad of what it takes to be a leader, but that in the end it was all worth it!

Final Paper!

Final Reflection Paper

For my final project for the course I chose to do a group project with Rebekah Bernard and Chenoa Castro. We are all Psychology majors and Communication minors/ double majors, who because of our course work at the University of Hawaii at Hilo, have come to discover the importance of combining both practices together. Psychology and Communications are so interconnected to each other that we chose to dedicate our project to teaching that importance to a group of Psychology students here at the University. Our project was combined of a speech, powerpoint and handout. The presentation was about an hour long that was presented to psychology counseling and practicum students.
Overall our presentation consisted of information relating Psychology to Communications such as nonverbal and verbal communication when talking to our clients, how we speak to our clients, what can make them comfortable or uncomfortable, and building trust with our clients. We also tied in a lot of what we learned from the 8th Habit book. We brought up what the 8th habit was, how to live by it, how to become a leader in Psychology for yourself and your client, how to inspire your client to find their voice, and we provided many examples from the book that related to our topic. We also did role playing examples of a bad communication with a client and a good, and also we did the exercise from the book about looking at a picture that has two different images, and comparing what you see to what someone else sees, so that our group understood that we all have different perceptions and how we can communicate those perceptions better for ourselves and the client. Overall the group we presented to was very interested in what we had to say, and I even had one student who called me afterward to say what a great speech and topic it was.
I thought that the group I had for the project was phenomenal to work with. We all had a lot in common, we all understood each others role in our project and did everything on time and I believe it was an overall success. I feel like we made an impact on those who we presented to, maybe even inspired some of them to look into Communications as a nice addition to their Psychology career. I think we all could take something away from our project that will impact how we use our leadership roles on a daily basis and how we can impact something we are passionate about.
What I learned from all of this is that I can be a great leader, I can be inspired, and I can set goals for myself and achieve them when I put in the effort and practice to get there. I feel like I made an impact in someones life with the our project and that really makes me feel accomplished, inspired, and that feeling that I can make a difference. I also learned that working with others who are just as inspired as you are can make an even stronger team. I felt like Rebekah, Chenoa, and I all were on the same page and really had an overall goal with our project and I feel we achieved it and were great leaders working together to obtain that same goal. I feel that I now know what it is I need to do in order to be a better leader for my peers, for my coworkers, for my family, and for my friends. I now know how to set a goal for myself and how to find my inspiration, and what steps I have to take to reach those goals.
As for my mission that I set at the beginning of this course I said that "My mission is to become the best person I can be so I can achieve my life goals, and to do that by using all the knowledge and skills I have learned and developed over my life. And then to share those things I have learned with the people around me, so they too can turn themselves into whom they want to become."
After learning from the book and videos, learning about other leaders, the class discussions and all the knowledge shared as a class, I feel that I have come a long way to getting closer to my mission that I set before. After our final project I do feel that I have become a better person because I shared with others what I knew and what I believed in, I feel that I was part of something important, I feel that I have shared skills and knowledge that I did develop over my learning career, and overall I did something that built my goal and possibly built someone else's as well.
I also want to say that after this class is done, I am going to keep on with my goals and keep up on inspiring others and inspiring myself to live our dreams and to find that voice inside. Now that I am graduating, in 3 weeks, I am passionate about going on with my career and moving forward, but still keeping a connection with everything I have learned and gained from others while in college. I think that this was the perfect last course for me to take before graduating because it helped settle any insecurities I had with not being ready for the real world, and now I know that I have the knowledge, passion, and success to be ready to take it all on.
I also have a new goal that I have recently set for myself which is to find my passion within my field so I can figure out what direction I want to go into for my career. I have yet to decide what exactly it is I want to do so I am going to go soul searching, experimenting, and learning what it is I want to end up in for a career. To accomplish that I am going to read into all the areas I am thinking about, make contact with those who are in that field and gain their knowledge on the subject, and to really think about what one will help me make an impact for my life and for others. I have yet to find that spark, but I am going on a search to find it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jennifer Panehal Module 14

In chapter 15, the title alone made it sound like an amazing chapter! The quote on the top of page 294 was also very inspirational..."Service is the rent we pay for living in this world of ours". That should be true for everyone! Why don't we all give some sort of helping hand in our everyday lives??!! This chapter also really reminded me of the movie and aspect of "paying it forward". When I go to help someone, and it inspires them to help someone else, then that persons goes on to help another, and the chain of events just goes on and on. Can you imagine a world like that? It would be amazing!
I thought it was a solid last chapter and final word for us all as up in coming leaders to know and take in for our future leadership roles! The first paragraph in the conclusion of the chapter really summed up for me exactly what it is I need to do in order to achieve my goals, be a great leader, inspire others, find my voice, and to come to the realization that being a leader is a choice not a position...

Jennifer Panehal Module 13

What I learned from Chapter 14 was that there is a sweet spot! There are also 3 types of greatness one can have, personal, leadership, and organizational. Personal greatness comes when we find our voice. Leadership greatness is when we inspire others to find their voice. Organizational greatness combines leadership and work into driving the organization. So the sweet spot in all this is that when these three "greatness" combine. When they combine that is what the 8th habit is all about! It is about finding your own voice, being a leader and helping another find theirs, and then bringing all of that into a organization so that everyone can feel the passion and inspiration. The book then went into the 4 steps you can take to close the gap between those aspects, so make it work faster, better, and harder. The one I thought was really inspiring and fairly easy to do was #2 with the score board. It is so easy to make a scoreboard! And it can impact how we work with one another and how we go about our daily goals and it puts us in our place knowing where we are at and what else we need to do better. So I thought it was a great idea, and at my own work I am implementing a scoreboard for my team!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jennifer Panehal Module 12

My favorite part of the chapter was the part about Modeling, Pathfinding, Aligning, and Empowerment. What was really inspiring about this was it is based around trusting one another. Trust then builds us to find who we are inside, our voice, and it gives us passion to then empower others. The chapter then goes into how to empower in the workplace such as managers, and how to have a win-win situation which is extremely important, but something we rarely see happen in our jobs. I would love to work in a place filled with passion, empowerment, and where we all have the same goal and plan to get there! The section on plan, evaluate, do, and then serve represents how we as leaders can spread the empowerment from now only our work place, but to the people around us who we want to empower, and who we want to share our passion towards a goal with. The figure on page 265 about the difference between a manager and a leader once again demonstrates how different one is treated when trying to control vs. trying to create passion in another.
In our final project for the class we used some of the examples from this chapter in our speech about how Communications is important in the field of Psychology. It really tied it all together because as a Psychologist, it is important for your client to feel empowered and motivated by you, not managed and controlled!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jennifer Panehal Quick Clips

After watching the quick clips, I felt that the ones that I could use towards my final project were to break the project into manageable pieces so that I am not saving everything for last, I learned from the meeting planning clip that we should be prepared for what we are to talk about and have a goal, the interdependence model was also a good model for myself to become a successful leader so I can lead others but also use their ideas to help myself.
The contribution statement clip was also insightful so that we can find our motivation and make our input be meaningful to ourselves and our peers. I really liked how the clips related to each habit from the original book of 7 habits, it helped put a action to each step we take to become a well rounded, highly effective person!
I thought that the clips really did put ideas for myself into perspective so I have a goal for my final project as to what I want it to be and how it can affect others to lead and become better for themselves. I now know that my leadership goals have a purpose and what steps I can take to achieve them.